Crisis in AB development
The following charts illustrate the crisis in AB drug development and declining AB approvals:

Our Technology: CAP 37 Peptides
Biolytx has a portfolio of antimicrobial peptides based on the naturally occurring human CAP37 (Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide), which is one of the proteins secreted at wound or infection sites within the body. CAP37 was discovered based on its potent activity against Gram negative bacteria.
Structure/function studies have shown that CAP37 is a 222 amino acid glycoprotein. The CSO of Biolytx characterized, sequenced, and cloned the peptide and a crystal structure exists. Overlapping peptides of the entire CAP37 molecule were synthesized which identified the primary antibiotic domain of the molecule to lie between amino acids 20 and 44 (Figure 1).

CAP 37 Mechanism of Action
CAP 37 peptides have a unique, dual mechanism of action: First, the peptide inflicts a physical puncture to the pathogen, causing cell death in minutes, versus hours. Second, it binds and neutralizes the released endotoxin from the Gram negative organism, an important consideration in patients who may go on to develop sepsis. These effects are critical to the mitigation of resistance to our peptides. The following diagram illustrates this process: